Le Dîner en Blanc – Agenda of June 2019

June will be filled with fun and friend gatherings! Six cities will host Le Dîner en Blanc: Paris, Decatur, Fort McMurray, Charleston, Darwin, and Victoria. The hosting teams are working hard to make sure that they bring all the magical moments of this unique and elegant experience.

June 6 – Rendez-Vous à Paris!

Last year’s 30th Anniversary broke all attendance records, more than 17 000 guests from the City of Light and all over the world gathered at the Esplanade des Invalides to celebrate Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris. The 2019 edition will be just as special since not only will Mr. François Pasquier, founder of Le Dîner en Blanc, celebrate his 75th birthday, but it will also mark his last time as a host. The perfect opportunity to gather amongst friends to mark these occasions!


June 8 – 2nd Edition for Decatur

Second edition for Decatur in Alabama, but first time for the new hosting team! Le Dîner en Blanc – Decatur returns this year with Trudy Grisham, Holly Whitt Losch, Lindsey Faulkner and Deloain Burgess at the helm of the event. The team is working hard to make the night unforgettable.


June 14 – 4th Edition for Charleston

Le Diner en Blanc – Charleston is moving to June this year. To prevent Mother Nature from wreaking havoc and disturbed the evening like last year, the hosts have decided to launch the invitation earlier in the summer. A perfect time for a chic picnic!

June 15 – 4th Edition for Fort McMurray

Hibernation is over! The Canadian series of Le Diner en Blanc events starts with a 4th edition in Fort McMurray. Pioneering in this event, Denise Hildebrand and her new co-hosts Kristen Chalmers et Lorrie Peddle are working hard to put everything together for an exceptional evening.

June 22 – Winter in the South Means Summer Up North!

While the beautiful season starts in Canada, winter is coming in Australia. However, for the area of Darwin, winter still brings warm days and ideal nights to cheer, dance and celebrate friendship and “joie de vivre” under the stars. Le Diner en Blanc returns to the city for a 3rd edition.

A few hours later, Le Diner en Blanc will be held for a 7th consecutive year in Victoria.
The event has become a staple to mark the beginning of summer in British Columbia’s capital.


If you are interested in taking part in any of these events, or if you would like to find out more,
visit their web or Facebook page, or their Instagram account.

Dîner en Blanc International



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