Le Diner en Blanc: guests speak out!

In all the cities around the world where Le Dîner en Blanc is hosted, the goal is always the same: for guest to experience a magical and exceptional evening that will leave them with the happy memories of this most sought-after and chic picnic of the year. Comments and opinions are very valuable as they help to improve the experience from year to year in order to offer the best night as possible. Here some of these beautiful words from around the world that as warmed our hearts and give the organizing teams a boost of energy!







For translation, click here.

For translation, click here.

For translation, click here.

For translation, click here.


To know everything about the different events,
visit their web pages or follow them via their Facebook pages or Instagram accounts.

Dîner en Blanc International



31 July 2024

What’s more gourmet than creamy, crumbly cheese? Boursin is it!

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Le Diner en Blanc in June

30 May 2024

Le Diner en Blanc is heading into summer with 5 events taking place in the month of June – all of them in the United States!

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Introducing our New Logo & Website

25 April 2024

You’re here! Have you had a chance to browse this beautiful, new website yet? Take a tour and get even more excited about the coming season!

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A Look Back on 2023!

08 March 2024

With the 2024 Diner en Blanc Event Season ramping up, we wanted to share some of the highlights from 2023.

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Throw-Back-Thursday - Puerto Rico!

22 February 2024
We are throwing it back to 2016! Le Diner en Blanc premieres in Puerto Rico! ??
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A New Chapter for Le Dîner en Blanc!

03 November 2022
Diner en Blanc International is pleased to announce that earlier this year, co-founder Sandy Safi acquired 100% of its business interests and trademark.
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Le Diner en Blanc 2021

22 December 2021
Already the end of the year, another very different year it was!
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October/November Calendar of Events 2021

30 September 2021
More events in October and November for Le Dîner en Blanc! Click on Read More to find out when and where.
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September Calendar of Events 2021

02 September 2021
September is all about Le Dîner en Blanc!
It may be coming to a city near you, click on Read More to find out.
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Le Dîner en Blanc - Back All Over the World

22 July 2021
The 2021 Calendar of Events for Le Dîner en Blanc so far includes...
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